All dental services in one place

All dental medical services, including diagnostics, treatment planning and treatment, are provided in the same location, implementing the highest sanitary and safety standards, in our state-of-the art dotDent Dental Clinic in the town of Matulji (in the vicinity of Rijeka and Opatija). We are qualified and equipped to perform various dental services at the highest quality levels – preventive, conservative, pediatric and cosmetic (teeth whitening…) dentistry, endodontic and periodontal treatments, prosthetic dentistry and surgery with emphasis on implantology. 

Those days when you feared your dentist’s appointment are now gone! All procedures are painless with the possibility of sedation prior to major interventions. 

Services at the highest level:

Services at the highest level:

Oral surgery

The most common procedures in oral surgery are tooth extraction, operative extraction of wisdom teeth, apicectomy (removal of the root tip), placement of dental implants and various bone augmentation procedures (for example sinus floor elevation).

NEW! PRF accelerated healing method

PRF is an abbreviation for "Platelet-Rich Fibrin“ which is derived from the patient's blood and is primarily used in oral surgery for better healing of bone and soft tissue. It serves as an ideal preparation for surgical procedures that precede implants as well as for all regenerative procedures in implantology.

The process begins by taking the patient's blood, which is then separated by centrifugation in the foreseen machine. After the tooth extraction, we place fibrin and plasma in its place, which serves us to speed up the healing process in the majority of interventions in oral surgery and implantology.

Prilikom aktivacije faktori rasta izlaze iz krvnih pločica (trombocita) i stimuliraju stvaranje novih krvnih žila pa time i rast nove kosti u koštanim defektima. Posljedica toga je bolja ishrana tkiva kisikom. PRF je potpuno bezopasna metoda jer se koristi isključivo pacijentova krv bez i jednog drugog dodatka te je preporučamo svim pacijentima u protokolima kirurških procesa.

Cosmetic dentistry

A beautiful bright smile is the best indicator of health and appearance. Modern dentistry can help greatly in obtaining such a smile. Cosmetic dental medicine is an interdisciplinary branch that combines almost all fields of dentistry. Today, cosmetic dentistry has been developed to perfection. The most common cosmetic interventions:

Teeth whitening is a routine procedure which no longer damages the teeth and dental tissue; it takes about an hour inside a dentist’s office and the result is visible instantly. There is another, gentler and safer, option for your teeth to be bleached at home using a small plastic dental tray.
Veneers are commonly used for enhancing stained, gapped, chipped or irregular teeth. Ceramic laminates are ultra-thin and permeable to natural light so their color imitates perfectly the natural enamel. They are adhesively bonded onto the front surface of teeth and can be used to alter the shape, size, position and color of natural teeth, correct orthodontic irregularities or replace old composite fillings.
Dental jewelry is glued onto tooth surface using special methods without damaging the enamel.
Inlay, onlay, overlay estetski su nadomjesci koji se koriste kad dođe do nešto većeg oštećenja zubne krune, kad nema dovoljno zubnoga tkiva za izradu kompozitnog ispuna, no oštećenje zuba ipak nije toliko veliko da zahtjeva izradu zubne krunice. Izrađuju se od pune keramike i izgledom savršeno oponašaju prirodnu caklinu.


Regardless of the reason that has led to tooth loss (trauma, periodontal disease, fracture, missing from birth) dental implant is the best option and a permanent solution for tooth replacement. Dental implant is placed into the jaw and serves as an anchor for crowns, bridges or dentures, without need for preparation of the adjacent teeth. With their appearance and position, the implants match perfectly the natural teeth roots, they feel natural, prevent loss of bone tissue and protect the surrounding teeth.


Although it was once reserved mainly for children and young patients, today it is considered that orthodontic therapy can be applied at any age. Improper tooth position is an aesthetic, but above all a functional problem. Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with exactly these problems.

In addition to classic fixed orthodontics, dotDent also offers therapy with transparent orthodontic aligners from the leading German company Orthocaps. Our team will advise each patient individually on the optimal approach for their case.


Prosthodontics is a branch of dental medicine that has seen its biggest breakthrough with the development and application of new technologies and materials which have led to perfection in the functionality and esthetics of prosthetic implants. Prosthodontics is basically concerned with the substitution of lost teeth by crowns, bridges and full or partial prostheses, where prosthetic substitutes can be mobile or fixed. Mobile dentures offer several ways for placement/removal carried out by the patient himself, while fixed prostheses are non-removable crowns or bridges which are bonded with cement.


Periodontics is a branch of dentistry dealing with the diseases that affect the supporting structures of teeth – and these are most commonly gingivitis (inflammation of the gum-tissue) and periodontitis (pyorrhea). Next to caries, periodontitis is the most common inflammatory disease today. It starts as gingivitis, progressing to inflammation of alveolar bone, and subsequently loss of teeth. Although the disease is extremely progressive, there is a treatment that enables preservation of the remaining teeth in the jaw.


Endodontics is a specialist branch of dentistry concerned with root canal therapy, that is dental pulp. When bacteria penetrate the inside of a tooth, dental pulp inflammation occurs resulting in severe pain. It is extremely important to treat the tooth properly so as to avoid many potential future complications such as cysts, granuloma, swelling, etc.

Conscious sedation

Conscious sedation is a state of calmness and reduced awareness that is achieved by administering drugs intravenously. We are equipped with modern equipment for monitoring during sedation performed by an expert anesthesiology team.

Sedation begins just before the dental procedure and continues throughout its duration. Your consciousness is preserved and you breathe independently, and you will be able to communicate with the dentist during the duration of sedation. Conscious sedation does not disturb the work of the heart and lungs, and the feeling of drowsiness disappears very quickly, about 20 minutes after the procedure. It is positive that the procedure takes place in a relaxed state for you and the therapist, and that you will only have a partial memory of the procedure. Sedation is intended for larger and more difficult dental procedures such as complex surgical procedures, large extractions and long-term procedures.